Under consideration(12)
- 19
Request for a ChatGPT plugin, similar in function to Quizizz.
- 167
Using a slug / pagepath for publishing projects on a custom domain
- 299
The ability to create a timer (countdown timer) on the quiz page to motivate players to complete the quiz.
#Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔#BUSINESS - 233
Word Search Game
#Learning 📖#Content 🎞️#Misc 🤷 - 150
Countdowns for certain predefined dates! E.g. "Days until Christmas" or "Hours until sunset"
- 231
Use text, numbers, sliders, dates, and other question types
#EDUCATION#Deal Breaker 💔 - 336
Folders To Organize Images
#Improvement 👍 - 161
Does Interacty have any affiliate program?
- 95
My Blocks
#Improvement 👍
- 28
Thick white border around interaction when using CNAME
#Improvement 👍#Bug 🐛 - 5
Integrate Interacty questions and games with presentations/workshops (similar to Mentimeter or AhaSlides)
#Improvement 👍#EDUCATION#BUSINESS - 4
Spin the Wheel
- 70
Adjusting iframe width in embed code results in it being right or left aligned
#Bug 🐛 - 6
Danish support
#Improvement 👍#Learning 📖#Deal Breaker 💔 - 313
Need option to open external URLs in same browser tab
#Improvement 👍 - 76
Unable to edit "Max width" under project settings
#Bug 🐛 - 3
setting in trivia to disable marking correct answer or not
#Improvement 👍 - 6
Crosswords puzzle for Language Students that could be filled online
#EDUCATION#Learning 📖#Content 🎞️ - 5
size of tags
#Bug 🐛